When your order is shipped from the warehouse, you will automatically receive an email from us with tracking information. As soon as you receive this email, that means our warehouse team has packed your order and handed it over to the carrier (think: FedEx, UPS, USPS). Items typically ship within 3 business days after order placement unless the item is backordered. In the event of a backorder, projected in-stock shipment dates are reflected on product pages (prior to purchase), and you'll receive email updates from our team with expected ship dates.
Articles In This Section
- I received an email saying my order was delivered, but I'm missing some items.
- How can I cancel my order?
- I just put my return in the mail. When can I expect my refund?
- What's the status of my order?
- I just placed my order, but I want a different color/item/bundle. How can I edit my order?
- I placed a backorder for a product that was out of stock. When will it ship?
- Do you offer rainchecks?
- The product I want is currently out of stock. When will it be available?
- The product I want is out of stock. Do you accept backorders?