Make sure your stove is on level ground away from any overhanging branches. Clear away dry brush on the ground around the stove. Have water handy in case of accident. Place dry sticks, pinecones, or pellets in Fuel Chamber; pack loosely and do not block air jets; right-size your fuel so that sticks do not extend beyond the burn chamber (if our air jets can't get to the fuel, we can't combust the smoke). Your stove comes with included FireStarter, we recommended breaking off a small piece and lighting it with a match and placing gently inside your burn chamber. Turn airflow on lowest setting by pressing button on powerpack twice (introducing too much air in the beginning may snuff out your fire).
Articles In This Section
- CampStove 2+ Product Guide
- How do I clean CampStove?
- Can I use CampStove indoors?
- Can I use CampStove in the rain?
- How long will it take to boil water in my CampStove 2+?
- How should I position the CampStove 2+ if it’s windy?
- My CampStove 2+ stopped charging my gear - what's up?
- How do I start a fire in CampStove 2+?
- How long does the battery last in the CampStove 2+?
- Why does my CampStove 2+ battery capacity say 2600mAh? I thought it was larger.